Thursday, May 10, 2012

Fried Rice, TV, "Spring Leaf", and a Nap Party

I didn't blog yesterday.  I felt like absolute hell and accomplished precisely nothing, so at least you didn't miss anything.  I haven't been hungover twice in one week in probably years, but there we were yesterday.  I don't think it's bad -- getting drunk and screwing is probably the appropriate way to celebrate one's anniversary -- I just didn't have the ability to like, do stuff.  Like type.  For what it's worth, when I went to pick up my laptop today, I discovered a cat had puked on it.

The fact that I accomplished nothing yesterday didn't mean that nobody did; my mother came to visit and painted my bathroom.  She repainted all the rooms in her house a few years ago and now considers herself a pro -- who am I to argue?  We went with Glidden's "Spring Leaf".  I tried to take a picture, but my phone's camera couldn't get the color right, so here's a link to "Spring Leaf".  Imagine it in a very tiny bathroom.

Today I got up and cleaned up last night's dishes and made myself fried rice with some leftover brown rice that was in the fridge.  It turned out fine but not right.  I think maybe brown rice isn't the best for frying.  And man, did shit get stuck on to that skillet.  I don't look forward to washing that at all.

I would call today's lunch "adequate". At least the rice got used.

It's not entirely true that I did nothing yesterday -- I did finish the last 30 pages of Crime and Punishment.  I hope to write a lengthier blog on it tomorrow, which I'll post to my other blog, which I share with Friend Sarah, where I put real things that aren't me rambling about what I had for lunch.  I asked and was welcomed to submit a blog to @yinzrreadin's website wherein I will discuss children's books that particularly affected me.  I intend to talk about the moments in my young life in which books helped me to learn that the world was unfair and people were basically cruel and selfish.  So tomorrow should be a fun day of blogging!  Crime, punishment, cruelty, despair ...

Yesterday I also finished watching The Tudors, which I've been watching on Netflix over the last several months.  I liked the show a great deal and would really recommend it, though bear in mind that it's completely up my alley to begin with: there are period sets and costumes, accents, unnecessarily complex political machinations, and wildly inaccurate history, which are all things I love. I started watching Borgia today as a replacement, and though it has all of the above mentioned traits as well, it didn't grab me the way The Tudors did.  Still, I'm only one episode in, so I'll give it a few more to see if it gets better.  Also on my "to watch" list is Downton Abbey.  Why people pay fifty-some bucks a month for cable when you can spend $8 a month for Netflix Instant Streaming I'll never understand.

Today I'm going to meet Friend Gerry for a beer at Sharp Edge's happy hour, and then I'm heading Downtown for an hour or so to an event Friend Katie is hosting on behalf of the Cultural Trust.  That's a little more yuppie networking than I usually roll, but I hear there will be free booze and snacks.  I'm gonna wear a pair of shoes that aren't flip flops or Chucks, so as to better blend in.  Five bucks and a slice of cake says I'm the fattest person there -- good thing I'm down with my #obeselifestyle.  Or should I say ... oBEST??

Today I plan to start A River Runs Through It, lent to me by Friend Mark J. and next on my Summer Reading List.  My little bookworm bookmark is already under the cover, ready to go.  I also have to hit the pharmacy on the way to happy hour -- guess who's thyroid died a little more, so her synthroid dose was too low.  Come on, guess.

Oh, and in kitty news, poor wee Chief is all snorfly -- he seems to have caught a wee cold.  Chief has a herpes-like virus shacked up in his upper respiratory system.  There's nothing to be done for it, and it's not uncommon in cats with dicey pasts (other cats get it in their eyes, and some unfortunate kitties get it in their lower respiratory systems -- my mom has one such).  It flairs up when he's stressed out or when his immune system is low for other reasons.  The prescription is usually Extra Love, which Chief exploits wildly, unless things get too bad and a secondary bacterial infection moves in; then the prescription is Extra Love and antibiotics.  My poor buddy -- he's had the worst week!  I'm still really thankful, though, that his neurological symptoms turned out to be something that wasn't life threatening.  It'll be Extra Love and snorfles for many more years for Chief, God willing.

NAP PARTY. Clockwise from left: Chief, George, Skyler, Matilda.  Poor Floyd is never invited. :(

Don't think Floyd doesn't get naps in, though.

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