Friday, May 4, 2012

Chief of My Heart

I don't know that I've got a ton of blog posting in me today: I feel like butter spread over too much toast, to paraphrase a beloved hobbit.  (Did Bilbo treat an emotionally overtaxing day with cheap white wine?)  But I felt I should post something as an update for Chief.

We went to the kitty neurologist today in the morning, and I can't say enough good things about Dr. McKillup at PVSEC: he was very smart, very empathetic, and very thorough, but also cost-conscious. He examined Chief and was great about explaining everything he was doing and considering, without being condescending; Dr. McKillup assumed I already knew big words, and I like that about a person.  Ted was there too: he decided to take the day off to go along with Chief, and I think Chief really appreciated it -- he seemed very glad to have both of his people there, and spent all of the explanatory time in both of our laps.  (Yes, Chief managed to be in both of our laps simultaneously.)  Dr. McKillup also couldn't believe how sweet and docile Chief was throughout the entire exam: the doctor did a lot of things to test Chief's reflexes and responses, and Chief let him do everything without complaint.  Dr. McKillup seriously seemed like he couldn't believe how sweet Chief was -- he asked if all our kitties were like that.  Four out of five, and Floyd has an excuse; that's what happens when you dispense kitty snuggles every day on demand for years and years.

"ZZZZZZZZZZ." Chief in less trying times.

So Chief got a series of tests, including a CAT scan and a spinal tap.  It turned out that there was nothing wrong with his ears at all: they were perfect, and had never been infected.  As it turned out, today's visit was more about eliminating possibilities than it was about affirmatively diagnosing things.  No ear problems, no brian problems ... so what's the deal?  Barring test results from the spinal tap on Monday, which could reveal horrifying things like Feline Infections Peritonitis and cancer, Chief has been diagnosed with Idiopathic Vestibular Disease.  Long story short, it's an untreatable condition, but it should resolve itself.  Idiopathic, of course, means that it's not known to anyone what causes it, but it's also a well-known thing.  Chief will suffer through his symptoms but come out OK: the disease won't shorten his life, and though it will likely leave him with a permanent head tilt, he'll be OK when he finally recovers.

But I won't relax until after Monday, when we know for sure nothing truly awful is wrong.  Good news is, the vet really thinks those are outlier possibilities, and that Chief really probably has IVD.  In the meantime, he's on some steroids, to tamp down his symptoms and make him feel a little better.

I've gotta tell you, today was awful.  We got up at 8:00, took him to the vet, didn't leave until noon.  I ate a big breakfast at Pamela's because it seemed like it would be soothing, and then I went home and went to sleep for three hours, because I haven't slept for two days, basically, over all of this.  Then we went back out there at 5:00 and waited ... it's over.  God willing, Monday's call will reveal nothing bad, and Chief will just need snuggles until he's better.

The whole affair cost $943, which is less than Floyd's bad ear cost a month ago.  Please, seriously, do not think we have a lot of money -- we are broke as hell.  Mom helped us by paying for Floyd.  Chief we charged.  It's worth anything because I love him and he's as much a part of our family as I or Ted are.  But jeez, y'know?  On the other hand, I left wondering why, if Chief's neurologist consult cost less than $1000, why my neurology appointments cost eleventeen bajillion dollars.  I literally can't think why.

Anyway, I'll calm down on Monday, but hopefully Chief has been diagnosed and he'll be OK and I'm going to sit on the couch drinking tonight because holy hell, people, I was (and to an extent, still am) so scared for my wonderful wee Chief.  The vet couldn't believe how wonderful he was!  Come on, that's a good kitty!

This happened at the vet today.  I'm pretty sure this is racist.  Also, animal abuse.

1 comment:

  1. more kitty pics, updates! I say this because I am avoiding updating my blog.
